
Prince Bishops Aikido - Tony Heseltine Shihan 7th Dan - Jodan Tsuki Ikkyo

Prince Bishops Aikido - Tony Heseltine Shihan 7th Dan - Jodan Tsuki Irimi Nage

Prince Bishops Aikido - Tony Heseltine Shihan, 7th Dan - Tanto Dori (live blade)

Prince Bishops Aikido - Tony Heseltine Shihan, 7th Dan - Tanto Dori 2 (wooden weapon)

Prince Bishops Aikido - Durham University Student Practising Tanto Dori (2)

Prince Bishops Aikido - Durham University Student Practising Tanto Dori (1)

Aikido Basics - Shihan Shane Riley 7th Dan - Ikkyo and Iriminage Applications Feb 2017

Riley Shihan Demonstration - 10th International Friendship Seminar and JCCC Aikikai's 50th

Aikido Shinju-Kai 30th Anniversary Celebrations Embukai Demonstration

Sensei Tony Heseltine, Athens 2018 - Breaking balance 2

Sensei Tony Heseltine, Athens 2018 - Get out of the way of a punch

Sensei Tony Heseltine, Athens 2018 - Breaking balance after avoiding punch

Sensei Tony Heseltine, Athens 2018 - Breaking balance after avoiding punch 2

Sensei Tony Heseltine, Athens 2018 - Tai No Henko

Hombu Open Day - 4th August 2018 - Sensei Tony Heseltine Clip 1